Explore the concept of cookie windows in affiliate marketing. Learn how to determine the ideal length of a cookie window for your affiliate program based on customer behavior and product commitment.
Discover innovative affiliate program structures that go beyond the traditional percentage-based model. Find out how these programs can transform your business.
This episode talks about a pipeline generation strategy that some of the most-effective agencies are using to generate more leads for their business, and earn a more predictable income from their business.
Why isn’t your affiliate program growing? This episode goes into that question, talking about different strategies you can use to not only find affiliates to promote your product, but to actually find the right affiliates that will actually make sales and strengthen your brand.
Discover the best platform to sell your courses online. Learn why owning your platform with WordPress and LifterLMS offers greater control and profitability.
Unlock the Secret to Attracting High-Performing Affiliates
This 6-part series unlocks the secrets to drawing in the affiliates who will truly drive your program’s success.
Learn targeted strategies to identify, attract, and secure high-performing partners.
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