Concepts Discussed in This Video
What Are Programs?
A set of conditions that specify how and when collaborators earn rewards, along with the amounts of those rewards.
What are Program Groups?
A combined set of programs that allows only one program within the group to run when a conversion happens.
What is a Collaborator?
Individuals or entities such as bloggers, influencers, or businesses that participate in your programs to promote your products or services.
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Collaborators are the people in your programs.
You may think of these as affiliates,
but in Siren’s case, an affiliate is just one
of many different types of collaborator.
Collaborators engage with your programs
by performing specific measurable actions
that drive your business objectives.
They can belong to one or many programs
and collect rewards when they win a conversion.
Let’s invite somebody to our program.
We’re gonna hover over Siren
and we’re gonna click collaborators.
We’re gonna click add new,
and we’re gonna add the details
of this collaborator right here.
We’ll add their name.
We’ll give them a nickname.
We’re gonna enter their email address.
Next, let’s take a look at the tracking ID.
A tracking ID is a unique alias for a collaborator.
This tracking ID is used for their special affiliate link,
making it possible to associate a site visit
with this collaborator.
As you can see, whenever we create a new collaborator,
that tracking ID is automatically generated for us.
You can change this tracking ID now
or at any time in the future.
All of the previous versions of this tracking ID
will always work for this collaborator.
So you don’t even have to let them know
that you changed this ID.
So if you wanted to, in this case,
create a tracking ID for Brad Wellington as well,
you could do that.
It doesn’t really matter.
Whatever you want that ID to be, it’s up to you.
But by default, Siren will automatically generate
a tracking ID regardless of if you do this manually
or if you have a collaborator be automatically created
through the form on the front end.
This ID is always created right off the bat.
From there, we can set our status
to active, pending, inactive.
In this case, we’re gonna set it to active
since we’re creating it manually.
We only want this affiliate to be in the affiliate program.
They are not a part of the super affiliate program.
We’re gonna click create.
And just like that, we have a collaborator added
to our affiliate program.
Siren does not create users for collaborators by default.
If Brad wanted to log into this site
and view their statistics and other useful information,
they need to create an account first.
Let’s go over how Siren helps automate this process.
One thing to note, before you can create a user for Brad,
you have to actually set up WordPress
to be able to enable registrations.
To do that, you’re gonna hover over settings,
go to general, and you’re gonna make sure
this membership anyone can register checkbox is checked.
If this is not checked, you will not be able
to create user accounts for your collaborators.
You can still create collaborators and they still work,
but those collaborators will not be able to log
into an account or create an account
to be able to view their statistics
and other useful information.
Click save changes.
Okay, now let’s go back to our collaborators.
We’re gonna check this box.
We’re gonna click on the dropdown,
and we’re gonna click send login email.
And then click apply.
Now I’m using a special setup on my computer right now
where I’m able to actually receive all of the emails
that my WordPress site sends.
So just pretend that this is Brad’s inbox for the moment.
So you’ll see here, Brad received an email
called finish setting up your account.
This email has a link,
and whenever they click on that link,
it’s gonna automatically send them
to the registration form on WordPress.
From here, they can create their username
and click register.
Now, if you go back to the inbox,
you’ll see that you received an email
letting you know that Brad made an account.
And you also see that Brad received an email
letting him know that his account was created
and he needs to set up his password.
So he clicks on this to reset his password.
And then from there,
he can enter whatever password he wants.
Now we’re gonna try logging in as Brad.
And just like that, Brad has been logged in
and now has access to all of the data
that is associated with his account.