Course Completed
Whenever someone completes a course that is owned by a collaborator, the Course Completed event is triggered.
The “Course Completed” event is specifically designed to recognize and reward collaborators who develop courses that are featured on your website. When a course owned by a collaborator is marked as completed, this event triggers.
Someone Completes Collaborator’s Course
Someone completes a course owned by a collaborator.
Engagement Created
If there isn’t already an engagement for the collaborator and the visitor, it gets created now.
Engagement Points Added
Points get added to the engagement, depending on the value set for the engagement in the program.
Great For Creator Platforms
This engagement type is a great way to turn your website into a membership platform that has multiple instructors on your site. This allows you to credit course creators whenever students progress through courses.
Potential Scenario
Imagine a collaborator who is also a course instructor who creates courses on your website. They add their content to your site, and in-return you give them visibility and handle the technical aspects of maintaining their site. You could use Lesson Completed to track performance, and pay them using a distribution based on how much engagement they’re getting from existing members. It’s common to combine this with Lesson Completed, rewarding a smaller amount for each lesson and a larger amount when a course is completed.